Living Fearlessly Ahead


Go from stagnant to soaring by unlocking the keys to living fearlessly. Do you feel stuck in your life? Does everything around you feel mediocre? Do you want to become your authentic self but don't know how? This workbook guides you through the three areas needed for making long-lasting changes - Awareness, Action, and Accountability. Awareness is the root of everything! When we become aware of our stories, patterns, beliefs, and rule, we can take appropriate action to change them. From action, we create accountability.

Living Fearlessly Ahead contains:

  • A mix of the author's personal stories, research, and coaching techniques.

  • Self-assessments, priority, and values review to determine what matters to you.

  • Writing exercises and questions to help you create awareness of the beliefs, rules, and stories holding you back.

  • Reflection prompts to check in with yourself and create awareness about your feelings and emotions around sensitive topics.

  • Space to vision your future, think through goals, actions, and potential roadblocks.

  • Prompts to write your new story and create accountability for the future!

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